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In Mail Box

In Box

The InBox keeps all the incoming messages. Filtered messages are not kept here and they are kept in the specified folder.

File names are created using this format.

eg: today's date is Jan 1, 1997 and you have two news mails. Air Mail will name two new files 1997.01.01.001.AM and 1997.01.01.002.AM (year.month.day.###) respectively and append the extension .AM to identify that these files are Air Mail.

When you open the In Box, you get a large window with a listview listing all the messages. You can double click on an message to read it, or single click to select it for other operations, you can also multi-select them by clicking on more.


Edit - Reads the selections. You can open multiple messages by selecting multiple messages and only if your external editor supports it.

Reply - Loads the message into your editor, quoted if you wanted.

File - Select a folder to file the selected messages.

Find - Find will search the mail box for all the key words that you have entered. The search is case sensitive.

Delete - Deletes the selections.

Print - Print the selected message to printer.

Save Addr - Saves the From address to your Address Book.

Forward - Pops up a requester asking you to select the address you want to forward the message to. You can select multiple receipients

Save - Pops up a file requester, so you can choose a file name to save the selection as.

Send All - Not available in the InBox.

Send - Not available in the InBox.

You can use Bubble help if you are uncertain of what each icon does. You must turn on bubble help in the Options Preference.

Mail Symbols

Last Updated May 25, 1997
HTML Docs by Danny Y. Wong & Frank L. Wong
Copyright © 1996-97 Toysoft Development Inc.
All rights reserved.